
Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Game of Catch-Up., CrowsToes Nail Color store update., and 2 Curve Balls....

First., Lets' play catch-up....shall we?!
All of the orders from Fridays' sale are packed (including my canadian ladies) and will be shipped tomorrow!!! YAY!!!

The next sale may or may not be pushed back a week, its' tentative at this point, i have ordered a shit-ton of base, glitters and bottles - so., dependent on how long it takes to get all of those in will dictate when i'll be able to re-stock. but - y'all know the drill - just keep checking in for updates on re-stocks :)

also - i really need to say that you guys are freakin' amazing., ok?! i thank all of you from the bottom my heart for all of your support!!! 

keep in mind these are prototype mixes., the production mixes will vary slightly.

Now., for some closer looks at the new colors - "Morticia"


Heads Up - Heres' your FIRST Curve ball -
may i FINALLY present "i make the path"

And heeeeres' your SECOND curve ball - heeheee., and
you thought there was just one...didn't ya?!

May i present
"Wonder Woman"

And yes., "i make the path" and "Wonder Woman" will be in the next sale, along with all of the other colors.....WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
what do ya think?


  1. OHHHH....I LOVE THEM!!! I am also so excited to receive my first order from you! Thanks for the amazing polishes :)!!

    1. SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!

      you are very welcome - enjoy :)

  2. May I just say in my best Ru Paul voice - "Gurl you better wurk!" I am so excited slash mad at you right now. I will admit on your last sale I stormed the place! Picked up every single color and then licked my paws like the proverbial cat that ate the canary. Now I'm seeing two new colors! Did you dare say Alice and Wonderland trio as though I don't listen to Very Good Advice as the theme song of my life! I can feel my wallet screaming no, but alas I MUST HAVE THEM! I'm so excited not only for my lovely new babies to arrive, but also for your new creations and congratulations on all your success doll!

    1. awwwwthanks., and thank you so much - i love ru btw - & guuurl - i saw you did...., lol!!! (*nudge* if i were you - idda done the same thing :) *hauls all the things she can too*
      i had planned to have "i make the path" done a lot sooner., but the glitter fairies were conspiring against me.....i think they're getting pissed at me because i keep pillaging their villages laying to waste their glittery remnants on my workroom floor every other week.... :P
      damn., i had the worst time finding the *right* color blue glitter for it. but., godamighty., i finally found it! BOOYAH!!!! and wonder woman just. happened. clear out of nowhere. BAM., there ya have it!

      thanks so much again, and i hope you love all of them!!! :)

  3. when you do the next restock are you going to be posting the time of the stock? I literally stalked the page all day long for the last one and somehow still missed it

    1. yes i will! i cross my heart i will post the time., this time!!!
      i think things will be a bit better now with me posting updates here rather than all over the place *facepalm* i sincerely apologize!

  4. I spent the majority of Friday refreshing the page via my phone, but I was also at work so I totally missed the sale. Here's to hoping I shower you with ALL MY MONEY next time around :)

  5. Hi! I am not sure if this is the best way to contact you, but I have send you a mail sometime ago and haven't gotten a response yet. Could you maybe get back to me? My mail is lvcamblog [at] gmail [dot] com.

    Also, Gomez looks totally awesome!

    1. i'm sorry deborah., i had a little issue with my email and lost some emails - please re-send it., and i'll get back to you asap!

  6. So pretty! I want all of them!

  7. ahhhhmazzzing!!! Wonder Woman!!! Love LOve LOVE!!!!

  8. I will have Wonder Woman in my life!

  9. I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I found you through "My Lucid Bubble"'s giveaway, and I must say that your polishes look amazing!!
    PS. I love Addams Family!

  10. Gawd! I love all of them they are so interesting and an eyecatcher! :D

    I found you through My Lucid Bubble's giveaway! Yay :D

  11. I found you through My Lucid Bubble's giveaway!
    All your polishes look amazing!!
